
SuperSakura 0.96.1 Released

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Just in time to play some old Japanese adventure games over the holidays, a new release of SuperSakura is ready. That's two and a half years of development since the previous release, which means this is the biggest changelog any SuperSakura release has yet had! Here's a rousing tour of the new stuff!


The Game-ranking Metagame

Man in comfort wear caught playing a visual novel

It's really satisfying to put things in the right boxes, in the right order, isn't it? Let's put some visual novels and related old games where they belong – on a ranking list! Maybe it's possible to find the quantifiably best visual novel ever. Of course, that'll require meaningful evaluation criteria...


Researching Fairy Dust SGV graphics

Two guys peering through foliage at something intriguing on Uki Uki Island

To get a game running on SuperSakura, I need to understand and convert an original game's resources into a modern format. This can range from trivially easy to distressingly difficult, depending on how clever the original programmers were.


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